The BCIP5.6 contract will allow for the Bowman tactical communications equipment currently used by the UK military to receive a series of enhancements and upgrades. These include the roll-out of approximately 12,000 new data terminals and an updated version of the Battle Management System.
The contract creates 50 new jobs as well as sustaining the jobs of 20 highly-skilled engineers at the General Dynamics UK’s headquarters in Oakdale, South Wales, with further roles being secured in the company’s wider supply chain.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said: “This is more evidence of what this Government’s decision to grow our Defence budget can do for the UK. It will create highly skilled jobs in Wales and help our Armed Forces to keep Britain safe for years to come.”
Brigadier Richard Spencer, Head of the MOD’s Battlefield and Tactical Communications and Information System delivery team said: “This contract will replace the data terminals and update software across the Bowman system to ensure ease of use, more rapid and robust data services and improved interoperability. This new deal is good news for the Armed Forces and ensures that they will have access to the best possible tactical communications equipment for the foreseeable future.”
Chief Operating Officer of General Dynamics UK, Steve Rowbotham, commented: “This contract ensures the British Armed Forces have access to the best tactical communications. We are delighted to continue our successful partnership, which has delivered world-class secure tactical communications to the British Armed Forces, and to build on this unique UK sovereign capability.”
Bowman’s secure radio communications, declared in service in 2004, have been used in operations since 2005. The Bowman system has been developed and integrated by General Dynamics UK into more than 15,000 British Army vehicles, together with headquarters, ships and helicopters. The enhanced equipment will be delivered, beginning in 2018, and will support an increased operational tempo.
Notes to Editor:
General Dynamics United Kingdom (General Dynamics UK) has two primary lines of business: Land Systems and Mission Systems. General Dynamics UK works in partnership with the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD) providing the nation’s primary land capabilities including, amongst others, Bowman, the British Armed Forces tactical communications programme, and AJAX, the replacement for the British Army’s reconnaissance vehicle fleet. The company also delivers avionics equipment used in rotary and fixed wing platforms, highly integrated mission and video management systems, flexible stores management systems, data link processing and video and data recorders for UK and international customers.
General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) is headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia.
Media Contact:
Amanda Jackson
+44 (0) 1495 236443