Supplier Terms & Conditions

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The Supply Chain Management organization supports General Dynamics Mission Systems

Working with us requires our suppliers to review, understand and accept certain terms and conditions along with other provisions and rules. The below information, in addition to specific terms in each supplier's contract, apply to our suppliers for the duration of their work with us.

Quality Codes

Quality Codes are used to communicate specific quality and contract requirements to our vendors.

Supplier Communication

Special Processes

Terms & Conditions and Government Contract Provisions

General provisions for all of General Dynamics Mission Systems.

Covers General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) purchase orders issued prior to 8/12/19 (except GDIT Wireless Services and GDIT Department of State program).

Apply to POs Dated:

Other Supplier Provisions

In addition to our general terms and conditions there are other policies and provisions to which we expect our suppliers to conform. Please review the below items. 

Supplier Control and Monitoring

General Dynamics Mission Systems Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Quality Teams will monitor and evaluate Supplier performance based on their ability to meet drawings, designs, specifications, and quality requirements. Some GDMS Programs may have unique and more stringent supplier approval and evaluation criteria that the Supplier will be required to meet to participate in those applications. SCM and Quality Teams shall also review Supplier's appropriate information including, but not limited to: Manufacturing capability and capacity, technical/technological competencies, etc.  Suppliers that fail to meet quality expectations and on-time delivery according to purchase order and quality flow down requirements will be issued corrective action as warranted. Suppliers with a history of poor Quality and or On-time delivery performance can be readily re-evaluated for a continuing relationship and may be considered for disapproval from the GDMS Approved Suppliers List.


Supplier Communication


Special Processes

On August 22nd 2012, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the final rule regarding the sourcing of Conflict Minerals under Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Consumer and Protection Act. Our implemented policy supports the aims and objectives of the U.S Legislation on the use of conflict free minerals.

Our Policy Commitment:

  • Support the aims and objectives of the U.S Legislation on the supply of conflict free minerals.
  • Maintain company compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Section 1502 Rules and Regulations and submit annual filings to the SEC
  • Partnering with our Suppliers and Subcontractors to undertake reasonable Conflict Mineral due diligence within the supply chain, providing evidence of conformance with the Securities and Exchange Commission Rules and Regulations
  • Support our Customers in ensuring that our products are responsibly manufactured with a goal of being conflict mineral free.

As a leading global company Mission Systems is committed to ensuring that the safety, health and protection of people and the environment. We promote these principles in our global business practices and our ethics code of conduct.

General Dynamics Mission Systems is committed to a proactive and compliant cybersecurity approach to safeguarding our networks, information, and systems. Learn more

General Dynamics Mission Systems is an ISO 14001/45001 certified company and as such it is the Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) policy to protect employees, customers and the community. Learn more

Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (FAR 52.204-25) and Prohibition on the Acquisition of Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services (DFARS 252.204-7018)

It is GDMS’ position that it will not procure or use items or services (including software) from  the prohibited sources identified in FAR 52.204-25 and DFARS 252.204-7018, respectively.

The FAR clause prohibits procuring telecommunications equipment or services from Huawei or ZTE and telecommunications equipment from Hytera, Hikvision, and Dahua, including their subsidiaries and affiliates, that are a “substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology of any part of a system.” 

The DFARS clause prohibits the procurement of any equipment, system, or service to carry out the DoD nuclear deterrence or homeland defense missions that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as a critical technology as a part of any system, unless a waiver is granted.

The DFARS prohibition applies to certain Chinese entities that the Secretary of Defense reasonably believes to be owned or controlled by or otherwise connected to, the government of the People’s Republic of China or the Russian Federation. 

There are specific waiver processes for each clause.

FAR 52.204-25 and DFARS 252.204-7018 are required flowdowns to all GDMS' suppliers and subcontractors, and GDMS is required to obtain the following required certifications: 

  • 52.204-24, Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment,

  • DFARS 252.204-7016, Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services - Representation, and

  • DFARS 252.204-7017, Prohibition on the Acquisition of Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services - Representation.

The buyer will evaluate the supplier’s responses to each of these certifications prior to issuing the any purchase order to the supplier.

Both the FAR and DFARS clauses have stringent reporting requirements.  If a GDMS Supply Chain Management (SCM)  Professional receives information from the supplier/subcontractor, GDMS Program Management, or other GDMS stakeholder functions regarding the possible use by a supplier/subcontractor of items or services (including software) from any prohibited sources or if the supplier/subcontractor has potentially provided GDMS with items of services (including software) from any prohibited sources, GDMS will evaluate the need for customer notification, obtain additional information from the supplier if needed, assess removal and/or replacement and determine waiver requirements, as applicable.  GDMS is required to report to the U.S. Government within one business day when it was identified or GDMS is notified of any banned equipment or services during contract performance, and additional information is to be submitted within 10 business days.  


Helpful Resources:

GD Mission Systems (GDMS) will pay tariff costs that are invoiced to GDMS only if tariff cost estimates are provided at the time of quote or a separate written notification has been provided by the supplier to the GDMS Buyer stating tariff costs will be flowed through by the supplier before a purchase order (PO) is issued. Tariff costs must comply with Duty-Free Entry clauses (FAR 52.225-8 or DFARS 252.225-7013) contained in the PO. Invoiced tariff costs shall not include any price markups, including Overhead, G&A or Profit. 


In order for GDMS to pay any tariff costs associated with our POs, we must be able to validate that the tariffs were incurred on product that was shipped to you to fulfil a GDMS PO. If you cannot include the tariff costs in your unit price, you must invoice us as a separate line item or separate invoice.


In order for the invoice to be paid, it must reflect the PO number and be broken down by PO line number. If the part number invoiced, does not match the part number on the PO line referenced on the invoice, you must include the part number that incurred the tariff and the quantity. We need to charge the tariff back to the same account string that incurred the cost. We occasionally receive invoices with no reference to PO numbers and/or line numbers. This is delaying payment to suppliers for these costs. If the invoice does not contain the information required, it will be rejected and returned.


A copy of your supplier’s commercial invoice and CF7501 (Entry Summary), or equivalent, redacted as appropriate, must be provided with your invoice to support the tariff costs. If a sub tier is the actual importer of record, please obtain this supporting documentation from your sub tier supplier and submit it with your invoice. GDMS reserves the right to request further documentation for the transactions to support how the tariff costs were determined and invoiced. 

  • We flow down the federal regulation on combating trafficking in persons on all purchase orders and subcontracts.
  • We require our suppliers to certify that they are compliant with the federal regulation on combating trafficking in persons.
  • We provide training to our supply chain staff on human trafficking and slavery.

Copyright 2025 General Dynamics Mission Systems, Inc.

A General Dynamics Business