Trusted Network Environment (TNE)

Multilevel Information Access and Sharing

General Dynamics Trusted Network Environment (TNE®) is the leading cyber edge solution in use today by the U.S. Department of Defense and Federal Agencies that enables multiple coalitions of interest (COI) to share sensitive information across security boundaries. Built on an enhanced Linux Operating System (OS) provided by our PitBull product, TNE enables this 360 degree collaboration with a suite of trusted software applications, utilities and tools that are fully accredited for cross-domain information sharing. 

  • Cross Domain Collaboration and Information Sharing
  • Users See Only Authorized Information
  • One Desktop, One Windows® Interface, All Classifications
  • Reduce Size, Weight, Power and Cost (SWAP-C) through the consolidation of multiple desktops
  • Cut, copy and paste information between dissimilar sources of information for data fusion capabilities


The Benefits of Implementing TNE

"TNE provides a set of applications that allow for collaboration, sharing of information and segregating information. At the same time, at a higher level that information can be fused and we can ensure that they don't have any unauthorized disclosures whether intentional or unintentional."

Greg Adams, General Dynamics TNE Product Manager


Scalable for any Mission: TNE's tools are flexible and scalable enough to allow rapid inclusion of new communities on the fly without compromising the security or integrity of the data. This is accomplished by using a flexible range of COTS hardware and software that can be customized to fit the needs of your network and integrates with your current infrastructure. Offering a range of options to accommodate size, weight and power (SWaP) requirements, TNE is currently used in network operations center environments, as well as on air and sea based platforms.

  • Cross domain collaboration and information sharing
  • Users view only authorized information
  • One desktop, one Windows® interface, all classifications
  • Reduce Size, Weight, Power and Cost (SWAP-C) through the consolidation of multiple desktops
  • Cut, copy and paste information between dissimilar sources of information for data fusion capabilities
  • Multilevel web and database services to reduce hardware/software costs for external users
  • Multilevel email client with "one window" lookdown at all email
  • Multilevel information warehouse in a single database
  • Application security banner indicates classification level on every windown launched
  • Interoperability and integration support available for third party applications such as Google® Earth™

Certifications & Accreditations

  • C&A at DCID 6/3 PL4 for TSABI and TS/SCI environment
  • References: NSA, DISA, NGA, NRO, JCS/JSIN-H, USAF/HQ AIA, JETTS AF Satellite Control Network
  • Certification: PL-4 TSABI interoperability NAVAIR (DIA, NSA, STRATCOM)
  • Active theaters: air, sea, land and mobile
  • UCDSMO's only MLS desktop enterprise solution

TNE MLS Products

  • MLS File Server — segregates and stores multiple levels of files on a central system
  • MLS Mail Broker - segregates and manages multiple levels of email from multiple sources
  • MLS Web Server - provides web access to multilevel information through a web browser
  • MLS Database Server - segregates and stores multiple levels of information in a database
  • Audit Server - collects audit files within the trusted network for centralized auditing
  • TNE Desktop (thick) - provides standard TNE functionality plus removable media capabilities
  • TNE Desktop (thin) - provides standard TNE functionality with minimal footprint
  • Controlled Interfaces - provide PL3 or PL4 connectivity to single level networks connecting to the trusted network

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A General Dynamics Business