Warfighter Training Systems
Improving Readiness & Performance
Our team provides innovative solutions and insightful leadership through warfighter training, including live training, training software development and sustainment.
From classroom and live training to testing of products on combat air ranges to simulating opposing forces, our industry-leading experts bring over 30 years of experience in building trusted solutions for warfighters.
Our Training Systems
Our experience includes analyzing, designing, developing and integrating content in live, virtual and constructive environments (LVC) to help the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps achieve improved readiness and enhanced performance — all while reducing cost.
Intelligence/Electronic Warfare & Threat Systems
Our team supports the Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT), the U.S. Army's only simulation system dedicated to training military intelligence analysts in critical wartime skills.
Live Training Systems
Our Live Training Systems team works on force-on-force and force-on-target combat training systems. We're developing cutting-edge Synthetic Training Environment (STE) Live Training Systems which enables soldiers to be safely trained in the field.
Training Technologies
Our Training Technologies team focuses on designing and developing products to integrate and replace the U.S. Army’s legacy live training hardware, such as the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES), with our next generation products.
Featured Products
Modular Instrumented MDO Integrated Capability (MIMIC)
The Modular Instrumented MDO Integrated Capability (MIMIC™) is a family of unattended passive or active nodes designed to “mimic” different adversarial battlefield capabilities enabling U.S. and coalition forces to train more realistically in a Multi-Domain Operations environment.
Synthetic Training Environment (STE) Live Training System (LTS)
The Synthetic Training Environment (STE) Live Training System (LTS) is the future of Live Training for Multi-Domain Operations Environments. It fully replicates kinetic and non-kinetic effects while leveraging LT2 Product Line and DevSecOps environments. It also provides “on platform” live training capabilities.
Multi-Domain Operations Environment
This video explores the interaction of the eXpeditionary Live-Virtual-Constructive Command Center (XLCC), the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT), and the Threat Battle Command Force (TBCF) in a large scale operational scenario against near peer threats.
Multi-Domain Operations Environment – Tactical Scenario
This video explores a scenario down to the tactical level for the testing and training of personnel for multi-domain operations. It goes through various tactical decisions confronting the warfighter using XLCC, IEWTPT, or TBCF.