Tactical Airspace Integration System (TAIS)

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The AN/TSQ-221 Tactical Airspace Integration System (TAIS) is a mobile airspace management system providing combined air-ground operational environment management based on joint service and information system inputs. TAIS provides situational awareness of friendly and enemy air activity and is interoperable with joint, coalition and civil aviation forces. It is currently employed by the United States Army in every theater of operation.

About TAIS

TAIS is the Army's system of record for the integration and synchronization of Airspace Control (AC) and Air Traffic Services (ATS) within the Army’s Mission Command System of Systems (SoS), primarily operating in the Command Post Computing Environment (CP CE).

TAIS provides automated AC planning, enhanced AC execution and improved enroute ATS support across the range of military operations and the spectrum of conflict to synchronize and integrate operations in space and time across the battlefield. TAIS also provides civil and government interagency capabilities and a direct link to the Theater Air Ground System (TAGS) through interface with the Joint Force Air Component Commander's (JFACC) automated airspace planning and communication systems.

TAIS is directly responsive to command-level operations organizations (S-3/G-3). The TAIS system is co-located with the command and control element at the main command post for Army corps, divisions and brigade combat teams (BCTs). It is also located with Army air traffic services units organic to aviation units from brigade to theater levels. The system coordinates use of the battlefield airspace for the purpose of supporting force operations in a force projection role, while minimizing fratricide through improved operational environment synchronization including non-automated airspace users and aircraft.

ANTSQ-221 Tactical Airspace Integration System TAIS

TAIS Variants

TAIS comes in two variants: single-user portable workstations and the shelter-mounted vehicle ("Full" TAIS). The AN/FSQ-211, or TAIS Airspace Work Station (AWS), is a portable computer system that hosts the TAIS mission software. The AWS provides a single operator position and relies on external support for air track information and communications connectivity. TAIS AWS are located at every level in the Army from BCTs and supporting brigades to theater echelons.

The AN/TSQ-221, or "Full" TAIS, is a slightly modified Standard Army Shelter (SAS) mounted on an Expanded Capacity Vehicle (ECV) - High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). The system consists of one TAIS shelter vehicle towing a trailer-mounted tactical generator and one cargo HMMWV for transporting TAIS personnel and equipment such as camouflage and ground support equipment.

TAIS is designed to be roll-on, roll-off capable. It can be airlifted by medium-lift helicopters and is transportable by C-130 aircraft. The heart of the TAIS system is the mission computers containing unique, powerful TAIS software optimized for the AC and ATS missions.

General Dynamics IMPACT Integrated Mission Planning Airspace Control Tools


The Integrated Mission Planning and Airspace Control Tools (IMPACT) software suite converges the mission planning capabilities of the Aviation Mission Planning Systems (AMPS) with the airspace control capabilities of the Tactical Airspace Integration System (TAIS) into a single role-based, hardware-agnostic, software-centric solution.

Learn More About IMPACT

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