Tactical Control Systems (TCS)

Maritime - Submarine Systems - Tactical Control Systems

Delivering Open System Flexibility For Rapid Technology Insertion

General Dynamics Mission Systems develops the Tactical Control System (TCS) for every submarine in the U.S. and Australian Navies. TCS ingests data from all of the submarine’s sensor and communication systems to provide a common operational picture. TCS provides sensor data fusion, target motion analysis, tactical situational awareness and command decision tools to enable the watch standers and commanding officers to execute their mission.

TCS Leads the Implementation of the Navy’s Open Source Initiative on Submarines

General Dynamics delivers TCS as part of the AN/BYG-1 combat system which integrates the tactical control, weapons/payload control, information assurance and tactical network subsystems. Development of the TCS portion of the system is separated from the weapons control system (WCS)/payload control system (PCS), allowing parallel development and certification of TCS and WCS/PCS. The AN/ BYG-1 acronym is derived from the Joint Electronics Type Designation System (JETDS): AN refers to Army/Navy, B indicates underwater systems, Y refers to data processing and G indicates Fire Control or Searchlight Directing.

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A General Dynamics Business