Spaceborne Communications and Electronics

NASA Mars 2020 rover studying a Mars rock

Providing the communications link between spacecraft & earth

General Dynamics has a proud heritage of providing NASA with ground-based and spacecraft-to-spacecraft critical communications for manned and unmanned space exploration missions, ranging from near-Earth to Deep Space projects. Our technology has powered communications, telemetry, tracking and control for many of the most groundbreaking space programs, including Apollo, Voyager, the Mars Rovers, the Cassini Space Probe, the Space Shuttle, the Hubble Telescope and the International Space Station.

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General Dynamics Supports Artemis I Mission Around The Moon

General Dynamics built the S-Band Transponders and emergency radios for the Orion spacecraft. When Orion’s crew makes its first trip to space, our transponders will keep the astronauts connected to mission command centers on Earth.

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Space Communications & Electronics

Browse our GPS Receivers, Mission Data Links, and Tracking, Telemetry & Control products.


When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, an S-Band Transponder built by General Dynamics was the only communications link the Apollo 11 Astronauts had to Earth. From Apollo 11 to the Next Giant Leap, explore how we support NASA Missions.

Our Spaceborne Communications Technology

Maven Mars Sunrise - Grid Item 3
Tracking, Telemetry & Control Transponders

We supply the tracking, telemetry and control (TT&C), precision navigation and timing and crosslink equipment for space exploration missions.

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NASA International Space Station - Grd Item 1
Mission Data Links & Power Amplifiers

Our products have provided the critical communications link between Earth and space since the mid-1950s.

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GOES-R Satellite Earth Reflection - Grid Item 4
Satellite GPS Receivers

We provide high-reliability space-hardened GPS sensors for commercial and military low-earth orbit (LEO) users.

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KG327 Space Encryption Family - Grid Item 2
Space Encryption

Our Type 1-certified encryptors and corresponding ground encryptors are suited for large bandwidth data transmission.

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The Next Generation of Secure Position, Navigation and Timing Technology Whitepaper

The Department of Defense is now focused on satisfying the need to provide assured position, navigation and timing (PNT) – or assured PNT – and General Dynamics is answering that call by developing new antenna designs, power amplifiers, receivers, waveform generators and related capabilities that are more resilient to threats.

Download The Whitepaper

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A General Dynamics Business