Common Aviation Command & Control System

USMC - Marine Using CAC2S

A Common Operating Picture For Air Command and Control

Common Aviation Command & Control System (CAC2S) integrates information from various aerial and ground-based radar systems and sensors to enable a common, real-time air picture. Used by the Marine Air-Ground Task Force, CAC2S visually combines ground and aviation command and control data for greater situational awareness and faster decision-making.

CAC2S Training USMC Photo

Visualizing Command & Control

By integrating data from systems, soldiers, and sensors, Common Aviation Command & Control System (CAC2S) empowers Marine commanders to enable warfighter success. This system allows Marine commanders to track, correlate, and decide how to engage or not engage in a complex air battle.

CAC2S provides Marine Corps operators with the unprecedented ability to share mission-critical voice, video, sensor and other command and control data in real-time during any mission, enabling warfighter success in any environment.

CAC2S can be configured into different functions at every level of the battlefield, enabling information to flow between forward units and division headquarters. The Direct Air Support Center (DASC) is positioned at the edge of the battlefield, while the Tactical Air Operations Center coordinates air support. The Tactical Air Command Center collects data from all sources and provides commanders a comprehensive view of the battlefield.

Screenshot of CAC2S Interface

Enabling a Common Operating Picture

The data sub-system that powers CAC2S combines sensor inputs from expeditionary radars, weapon systems, unmanned aerial vehicles and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance resources. By consolidating information from sensors, soldiers and these other systems, CAC2S creates a “common operating picture” with updates in real-time. On one screen, Marine Air-Ground Task Force commanders and their staffs can see their forces and the enemy laid out for them to see, evaluate and act.

Ground Systems - USMC CAC2S

SWaP Improvements

CAC2S offers significant SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) improvements over previous systems that make the system more maneuverable and reduce its logistical footprint, including ease-of-transport and advanced cooling technology that requires less power. CAC2S consolidates the existing functionality of seven Marine Air Command and Control Systems into one system.

CAC2S is replacing the Marine Corps 1960's-era Air Command and Control System and has already begun fielding, with dozens of units to come.

Our New Small Form Factor Command & Control (SFF C2) Node

The SFF C2 gives Marine operators the ability to integrate information from aerial and ground-based radar systems and sensors, and create a common operating picture of the battlefield.

Based on our successful legacy of the Common Aviation Command & Control System (CAC2S), the SFF C2 has been tested by Marines in the field during exercises like Island Marauder 21 and 7th Fleet SINKEX.


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