Dynamic Connections 2017 Banner


Dynamic Connections 2017
April 11- 13, 2017
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center

Please join General Dynamics Mission Systems at Dynamic Connections 2017, an event where we're bringing together our community of customers, partners and technology professionals to learn, connect and be inspired. This training and technical forum will provide attendees the insight and knowledge needed to successfully navigate the dynamic digital ecosystem.

Learn about the latest Fortress Wireless products, features and roadmaps and receive Fortress LTE & Mesh training. See first-hand how our Fortress Wireless solutions can provide a secure, deployable end-to-end wireless network to keep you connected, anytime, anywhere.

Meet and connect with our team, subject matter experts and engineers for advice and assistance, network with peers from across the community, and engage with technology partners from across the security landscape.

For more information and to register please visit the event page.


Spanish MoD Conducts Successful Field Trial of Fortress® Wireless LTE System

General Dynamics' local partner in Spain Aicox recently completed a successful field trial of the Fortress LTE system for the Spanish Army. The Fortress LTE system provided a mobile wireless coverage area between multiple command posts, enabling information to be sent via commercial devices such as smartphones, computers and tablets. According to the Spanish JCISAT (Headship of communications, information systems and technical support of the Spanish Army), director of tests, the trial opened up a new window for information sharing opportunities within the Spanish Army.


CM-300/350 V2 ATC Radios Chosen by the U.S. Air Force to Replace Legacy Radios at Eglin AFB

Air Traffic Control Radio - ATC Radio CM-300/500The CM-300/350 V2 ATC radio was recently selected by the U.S. Air Force as part of their ATC Radio Replacement Program to upgrade ground-to-air communications at Eglin AFB. This past October,14 CM-300/350 V2 radios were installed at the Duke Field Operations Group Building at Elgin AFB. With over 8,000 radios delivered and 3,000 fielded, the CM-300/350 V2 radios are quickly becoming the preferred choice to replace outdated legacy radios in many major military installations. The radios are currently listed on the U.S. Air Force-AFFSA Approved Product List (APL) and are the preferred replacement solution for the U.S. Air Force Traffic Control and Landing Systems (ATCALS) Radio Replacement Program.


DMR Radio Makes Successful MUOS Voice Call from Arizona to SPAWAR San Diego

In December our Digital Modular Radio (DMR) completed a successful point-to-point voice call via the recently added Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) waveform. The over-the-air test was conducted between DMR radios stationed at General Dynamics' Scottsdale, AZ facility and the U.S. Navy's SPAWAR San Diego facility by utilizing the MUOS Satellite communication system. The successful test was a significant milestone as it was the first ever over-the-air call made between two DMR radios between the two facilities. The test sets the stage for the U.S. Navy's plan to begin using DMRs with MUOS capability in the fleet starting in 2018. With 17 waveforms and extensive embedded encryption, the DMR is the U.S. Navy's choice for communications on surface and sub-surface vessels and fixed site platforms. For more information please visit our DMR webpage.

Digital Modular Radio - DMR


URC Radio Users We Would Like Your Feedback!

We want to know how our users use our URC radios and better understand what their needs are. Your feedback will help us provide you with better communications to do your job. Please take a few moments to fill out our survey.