Tactical Ground Reporting System (TIGR)

TIGR Over the Shoulder Resized

Tactical Peer-to-Peer Communication

Developed by DARPA and General Dynamics, the Tactical Ground Reporting System (TIGR) is a web based, information sharing C2 application that enables soldiers to collect, share and analyze data using a Google® Earth like interface. TIGR has been fielded operationally with the U.S. Army and strengthened information sharing between Company Commanders and Platoon Leaders.  

Support for TIGR has transitioned to the U.S. Army, please contact PEO C3T with any questions.

Web-Based Information Management at the Lowest Tactical Level

TIGR was an information-centric solution that empowered users to collect, share and analyze data using a Google® Earth like interface backed by network distribution that is resilient to the tactical network challenges. It was developed in line with what Soldiers operating at Company and below needed to increase combat effectiveness across the full spectrum of operations.

TIGR broke from the traditional hierarchical, bottom-up filtered information flow of reporting, and instead builded on the successes of direct peer-to-peer collaboration. Its collaborative environment provided a unique multimedia solution using graphics, high resolution imagery, line of sight tools, and a searchable database to support the full spectrum of operations (plan, prepare, execute and assess).

Since its initial fielding in November 2007 and with over 86,000 plus users worldwide, TIGR not only strengthened information sharing between Company Commanders and Platoon Leaders, but allowed a common operational picture to be shared between units on the ground. The TIGR footprint included operations in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Horn of Africa, and Europe.

C4ISR - Tactical Ground Reporting System (TIGR) - Image

TIGR Photo

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