Acoustic Testing Facility
Progeny Systems is a business area within General Dynamics Mission Systems. Progeny Systems has many locations nationwide to support various areas of work, including this Acoustic Testing Facility to ensure our acoustic electronics, software, and upgrades perform as expected.
Acoustic Testing Facility Overview
Progeny Systems owns and operates an open water acoustic test facility in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The floating test barge is permanently moored in a quarry that is approximately 300 ft x 500 ft x 75 ft deep. The facility is accessible from a floating walkway. Contained within the barge's 700 square-foot interior are one main test pool and four smaller test pools. A synchronous rotator and shaft can accommodate any test depth within an angular resolution of ±0.1 degrees. The facility is climate controlled and useable year round as the water around the perimeter is kept ice free in winter.
The facility is outfitted with the latest National Instruments PXI digital instrumentation suite, Instruments Inc. L20 amplifier, calibrated reference projectors and hydrophones. The test site is capable of performing a full spectrum of flow and high frequency acoustic measurements. Acoustic measurements are performed in accordance with ANSI-SI.20-1988 Procedures for Calibration of Underwater Electroacoustic Transducers and are referenced to standard hydrophones and projectors calibrated by NUWC/USRD.
Measurement Capabilities
- Transmit Voltage / Current and Power Response
- Free Field Voltage Sensitivity
- Transmit and Receive Directivity Patterns
- Impedance / Admittance
- Signal Voltage / Current / Power & Phase
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Analysis
- Harmonic Distortion of Tx and Rx Signals
- Bearing Error for Multimode Hydrophones
- Capacitance and Dissipation Factor
- Sum-Difference Null Balance Magnitude & Phase
- Absolute Reciprocity Calibrations
- Target Strength Measurement
- Insertion Loss Measurement
- Output Sound Pressure Level (SPL)
On-Site Test Equipment
- H52 Reference Hydrophone
- ITC-1032 and ITC-1042 Omni Projectors
- Instruments Inc. L20 Amplifier
- Instruments Inc. VIT-13 V/I Sensor
- Various Stand alone Instrumentation Including: Oscilloscopes, Multi-meters, Power Supplies, Etc.
- National Instruments PXI Chassis
- (1) PXI 8105 Controller
- (4) PXI-5105
- (8) Channel Digitizer / Oscilloscope
- (6) TEGAM Instrumentation Amplifiers
- (1) PXI 6509 Digital I/O
- (1) PXI 5412 Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- (1) PXI 6653 Timing Module
- Stanford Research SR560 Pre Amp / Filter
- KrohnHite (8) Channel Low Noise Filter Model 38
- Hewlett Packard 3561A and 35670 Spectrum Analyzers
No data source selected.
Site Depth Profile
Progeny's Acoustic Test Facility is moored over a 75 ft section of the Bay State Quarry.