Bluefin-9M Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV)

This product has been discontinued

The Bluefin-9M Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) is no longer be available for purchase.

The replacement product is our redesigned Bluefin-9 UUV which provides unmatched high-resolution data, leading navigation, data processing and mission turnaround time in a two-man portable UUV.

For more information, visit the Bluefin-9 webpage.


The Redesigned Bluefin-9

The Bluefin-9 unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) provides unmatched high-resolution data, leading navigation, data processing and mission turnaround time in a two-man portable UUV.

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The lightweight Bluefin-9M is easily deployed by two people from any small boat and requires minimal support equipment. the vehicle is also designed to accommodate various launch and recovery systems.

With a pressure-tolerant battery and a removable data storage module, turnaround time between missions is less than 15 minutes.

Easy access to fieldswappable, modular subsystems reduces time on deck for maintenance and accelerates operational tempo.

Bluefin’s intuitive software package enables quick and easy mission planning and monitoring. Post-mission analysis can be completed with Bluefin tools or exported to third-party packages.

The vehicle uses an INS to provide the best possible navigation accuracy. Dead reckoning drift is typically less than 0.1% of distance traveled, yielding higher quality data.

Operator Tool Suite

Our Operator Tool Suite is a comprehensive AUV software package that provides the interface between the AUV and the operator for all mission phases. The simple user interface maximizes the operator’s effectiveness in AUV operations. This Windows-based tool suite includes everything necessary to run and manage the system, including vehicle check-out and testing, mission planning, vehicle communications, mission monitoring and execution, data management, and post-mission analysis.

Mission Planner

Mission Planning and Verification
From within this graphical tool, basic missions are easy to enter and verify, while complex mission plans can be built up from basic survey “widgets.” Mission and safety details are fully accessible, allowing for rapid and accurate mission planning. Planning takes place on top of a chart-based view which accepts raster or digital charts. Operators can specify safety settings, operational constraints, recovery points and return plans. The Mission Planner also allows customer-specific commands to be sent via the Standard Payload Interface.


Vehicle Testing, Checkout and Mission Monitoring
Dashboard tools enable the operator to track vehicles against a chart-based interface which includes ship position indicators, mission plans, and a variety of operator-specified annotations. Vehicle status is readily apparent, including the current behavior as well as details of vehicle status. The Dashboard automatically shifts communications to the highest bandwidth channel available providing you with a dynamic gateway to the vehicle. A variety of specialized diagnostic interfaces aid the preventative and corrective maintenance procedures for each sensor and subsystem.


For more information, please contact us.

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A General Dynamics Business