General Dynamics Internship Program - Henri Test Systems Intern

Students like Henri (pictured above) receive real-world experience and networking opportunities during our summer internship program. Henri is a Systems Test Intern at our facility in Taunton, MA.

At General Dynamics Mission Systems, our internship program is an immersive experience that provides students with the opportunity to not only learn what a career in their field has to offer, but apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios. Our interns work on real projects that make a difference, which prepares them to enter the workforce with the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed once they graduate.

“Sitting in a classroom, you can learn a lot, but none of it compares to on-the-job training and outright experience. When day after day is tests, quizzes, homework, and stress, it can be easy to doubt the career aspiration I’ve been chasing for nearly a decade. Interning at General Dynamics has allowed me to rediscover the passion I have for engineering by giving me a wide-angle lens to look at my formal education.”
- Haley, Mechanical Engineering Intern
General Dynamics Intern Lexi

Our internship program is designed to provide students with access to the latest technology and valuable resources, which gives them a chance to apply their academic knowledge to solving real-world problems. Our interns are fully integrated into the teams in which they work. They collaborate with colleagues, develop solutions, share suggestions, and implement their ideas.

“When working on projects, my manager and coworkers are interested in what I have to say and provide helpful, encouraging feedback to help further my skills. It is extremely rewarding to be working with such talented individuals each day that support me and genuinely want me to succeed in my career.”
- Lexi, Digital Marketing Intern

General Dynamics Intern RachithaOur team recognizes the importance of helping students develop their skillsets and offering mentorship throughout their internship experience. Employees at all levels including management and senior executives meet with our interns, offering guidance, sharing experiences and illustrating the powerful work they can accomplish with their degree. Even some of our top executives started their careers at General Dynamics as interns!

“I think that something that separates GD from other companies of the same size, is the fact that we have already been able to speak to higher management, and get to know their stories. It’s awesome to meet the people who, at other companies, interns only see in pictures. “
- Rachitha, Identity Access Management Intern

General Dynamics Applications Intern MarcusAn internship with General Dynamics is not only a meaningful learning experience, but also an opportunity to connect with coworkers and the community. The program encourages students to be fully immersed in the GD culture through social networking events, community service projects, and developmental sessions throughout the summer.

"My father works for GD, and I’ve been visiting his office for events like ‘Bring Your Child to Work Day’ since I was 10 years old. I’ve always loved the environment, and he’s always talked about how it’s such a great place to work. The type of things you get to work on is super flexible, and you really feel like you’re fulfilling your purpose as an employee.”
- Marcus, Mobile Applications Developer Intern

General Dynamics UK Intern BethanThe opportunities for students to grow at General Dynamics are truly global through our co-op and apprenticeship programs, offered at our facilities in Canada and the United Kingdom.

“I’ve spent the week finding out all about tactical communication systems used by the British Army. My time at General Dynamics Mission Systems has encouraged me to further pursue a career in engineering.”
- Bethan, A-level student, United Kingdom

An internship at General Dynamics is an opportunity for you to learn, connect, and achieve. Through challenging work, meaningful relationships, and valuable business experience, our program is designed to prepare students for success in the future.


Interested in Interning With Us?

We hire interns across many disciplines, including: computer science, engineering, math, physics, information systems and technology, security, finance, marketing and human resources. Intern recruitment begins in December. Summer internships begin in May/June and end in August (8-12 weeks).


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